10 Top Challenges You Will Face after Graduation in India

With the fourth industrial revolution, a comprehensive change is observed in technology, market demand, trends, and required skills. Education plays a vital role in managing the challenges of fluid and digitized markets of India. However, today’s education systems are not equipped enough to prepare the students for the automated and ever-changing job markets that we are looking towards in the future. Today, in this article, we will discuss the top ten challenges the youth of India will have to face after graduation.

1) Skills are not relevant to Industries

It’s not a hidden fact that the skills taught in universities are still centered on succeeding in the 20th century. Several surveys have indicated a large skills gap in India. According to the Vision 2030: Higher Education in India report, some of the disciplines as IT, Manufacturing and banking and finance reports 75%, 55%, and 50% skills gap, respectively. Furthermore, the National Association of Services and Software Companies have reported that among the three million graduates who pass out each year, only 10-15% are employable according to current market skills demand and trends.

2) Career Transformations because of job niche

Deciding a career path is probably one of the biggest decisions of your life. Where it should be based upon your interest and keeping market trends and innovation in mind, the lack of counseling at the start of a career path in most educational institutions leads in the production of graduates with outdated or fewer skills than the market demand, which ultimately forces them to change career paths. In a recent article published in the Harvard Business Review, Heidi Grant says changing a career path is a depressing experience. As the advancement of technology has brought the advent of mobile jobs, the traditional job culture is rapidly shifting and evolving, and in order to keep up with the modern world, you need to have the necessary skill-set to adjust in the market comfortably.

3) Salary Gap and less paid works

The salary gap in India is surprisingly high, and it varies between gender and industries as well. According to the recent survey of (MSI) Monster Salary Index, the gender pay gap in India is 19%, where women are paid less than men in most fields. Interestingly, this pay gap is relatively larger in the IT industry, where women are paid 26% less than men. Also, there are tons of jobs for which employs are paid fewer wages than the market due to unemployment, the fear of which makes the employees agree to less than the competitive market salaries.

4) The feeling of being an unemployed graduate

For most people, being educated and unemployed brings feelings of depression, personal failure, and shame. They are also worried about the treatment of society and the people around them upon finding their unemployment. It’s a difficult time and hard to cope, as well. Under-employment and unemployment are the menaces that are affecting the Indian economy severally. The average unemployment rate in India from 2018 till 2020 is 7.34%, which is high, considering the three million graduates who graduate from universities each year in hopes of getting good jobs at competitive market salaries.

5) Family burdens and financial problems

On average, a graduate person typically earns around 32,400 INR per month. The current salary range in India is from 4,360 to 143,000 INR per month. This salary includes transport, housing, and other benefits. Financially supporting a family of 4 in India will cost around 84,000 INR per month, including rent, transportation, and other facilities, which is more than the average salary range. This gap in earning and expenditures can lead to financial problems and stress. As the salary rises with an individual’s experience, freshers and newbies can face difficulty in managing the finances of a house and family, especially if he/she is single earning member of the house.

6) Unethical treatment of employers

The relationship between employers and employees is crucial in business development. A healthy employer-employee relationship yields positive results, more productivity, efficiency, and creativity from the employee’s end. On the other hand, unethical treatment of employers yields dissatisfaction from the job, less productivity, lower spirit, and creativity from employees.

7) Selection between job and higher studies

A question on the mind of many graduates when they pass out from university is whether to do job hunting or to pursue higher studies. While the choice is purely personal, certain factors influence the choice, which includes whether you are a single earning member, do you have the financial stability to carry higher studies as they can be expensive, and so on. Generally, people tend to hunt for jobs after graduation.

8) Lack of Communication Skills

One of the key skills which should be focused on in our educational institutions is communication. With the rapidly evolving market and the world, effective communication is the key to success. Good communication is one of the key skills employers look for in ideal employees. Good written and verbal communication skills are very important in understanding information accurately and quickly. Lack of communication skills is one of the top factors potential employees get refused from big corporations and organizations.

9) Changing minds and mood swings

Whether you are happy or unhappy at your workplace, mood swings are a common thing to occur. You might feel depressed and anxious due to the behavior of your employer over a mistake you made and might think of changing your job to another place, or someday you feel like not working at all, or not being recognized enough for the efforts you make. But these are all temporary feelings, mood swings are more common than you think and can occur randomly, some of the ways by which you can control mood swings include:

  • Talking to a friend
  • Listening to relaxing music
  • Taking deep breaths or a relaxation exercise
  • Taking regular breaks between your work

Top 10 Elements to Put on a Resume for Securing a Job

10) Staying Motivated

Job hunting can be a pretty stressful thing, and staying motivated and positive is not possible all the time. At first, when you graduate, getting a job feels like an easy thing, only after the first rejection, you realize that job hunting is not an easy task. In such a scenario, you have to figure out ways to stay motivated and upbeat. Some of the ways which can help you stay motivated during your job hunting are:

  • Setting up a daily routine
  • Set career goals
  • Volunteer as much as you can make yourself stand out from the crowd
  • Ask your employers reasons for rejection and work on those

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