Udemy vs. Udacity: Detailed Comparison & Which One is Better?

In the recent past, due to advancing technology, many people are now opting for the online learning platform. It is easy, simple, and seamless or those who like long-distance learning. This article mainly elaborates more on Udemy vs Udacity. First, let me understand the major differences between Udemy and Udacity:

Udacity Udemy  
– Offers extended nano degree programs
– Focuses on technology-related topics
– Offers shorter and affordable courses
– Offers a wide range of topics

An overview of Udemy vs. Udacity

This is an online learning platform that lets you sign up or free and register as an instructor. In turn, the instructors can release their own courses for sale. The curses are not certified. This course will not make any difference in your curriculum vitae.

Udemy courses differ from one another due to numerous instructors. The courses are short and available in different degrees of quality.

Udacity is popularly described as a massive open online course (MOOC) provider.  Udacity has formed partnerships with industry partners, universities as well as different institutions to offer Nanodegrees. 

Udacity mainly specializes in technology and computer science courses. Apart from Nanodegree, did you know that Udacity offers more than 200 free courses?  Nanodegree can be completed from as little as four weeks, three months, and more.

Udemy focuses on self-directed learning, where a learner acquires some skills from a particular course. It does not award certificates, what matters are the results.

Udacity is a comprehensive course curriculum that enables learners to understand a subject.

What is the cost of Udacity vs Udemy?

It is worth noting that both Udemy and Udacity offer free courses but with different qualities.

Udemy’s free courses are not quite informative and are valueless.

Udacity’s free courses are very informative as it tackles much of same industry materials covered in Nanodegree programs. On the other hand, this course does not offer mentorship, project reviews, as well as certification.

For instance, a free introduction to Computer Science course may take three months while on Udemy, a course in Foundations of Computer Science, both Theory, as well as Practice, runs for about 5 hours.

In terms of prices, Udemy is cheaper than Udacity.

Some of the topics taught

It is worth mentioning that Udemy offers numerous courses that specialize in a range of topics such as health and fitness, design, business, personal development, as well as marketing.

If you are looking for a more focused subject to study, then Udacity is a perfect choice for you.  This courses mainly focus on tech-related topics such as business, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, data science, programming and development, as well as cloud computing, to mention but a few.

Since Udacity courses are self-paced, most students will have to study between six as well as ten houses on a weekly basis. The Nanodegree courses are quite informative as the lessons comprise of instructional videos as well as exercises. There is a project at the end of the course.

Course examples


  • Marketing Analytics
  • Android basics
  • Artificial intelligence for trading
  • Introduction To Machine Learning
  • Data engineering
  • Data scientists
  • C++ engineer
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Front-End Web Developer
  • Business Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics for Business
  • Data Structures and Algorithms


  • Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Character Art School: complete coloring as well as painting
  • Wedding Photography: a complete guide to wedding photography.
  • Body Language for Entrepreneurs
  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Portrait Photography and Posing For Photographers
  • Complete Financial Analyst Training and Investing Course.
  • Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills
  • Copywriting secrets – How to write copy that sells

Who Are The Instructors?

Udemy allows anyone to sign up and become an instructor; that is why there can be inconsistency from one course to the other.

It is, therefore, important to carry out a background check on various instructors first on Udemy before considering their courses. Go through the reviews and ratings as well before purchasing the courses.

N Udacity, instructors are more qualified and deliver excellent content as they range from retired teachers, CEOs of companies, graduates as well as content developers to mention but a few.

Sometimes Udacity founder and president lead a few courses.

Did you know that some courses on this platform have several experts contributing to the material while others have one?

Do Udemy and Udacity make a change on your Resume?

It is worth mentioning that Udemy courses are best for self-learning as they are not accredited like a university as well as other educational institutions.  This is not a good choice when looking for something to add on your resume as they have limited value in the eyes of interviewers.

Udacity is not an accredited university as well though its nano degree is proof of a unique relationship with leading industry partners.

Nanodegree is gaining popularity and value in the tech industry; hence its graduates are likely to be hired by industry partners. 

Keep in mind that some tech companies value Udacity Nanodegree a great deal more than the traditional degree since they are aware that these course materials are specifically prepared for that job they are hiring for.

In simple reality, we can attest that when applying for a job in specific tech industry; Udacity nano degree is more impressive in your CV than a course certificate from Udemy.

Time Commitment

Udemy courses are shorter as most of them take only 30 minutes. Some may take 2 to 5 hours while a more detailed on may take between 20 to 30 hours. These courses do not take weeks or months to complete them.

Udacity consumes much larger time as an engineer as well as an introductory course may take a month to complete.  Most of these courses take a period of 3 to 4 months.

Summary of Pros & Cons Udemy vs. Udacity

Udemy Pros

1. Offers a wide range of courses

Did you know that currently, Udemy offers tens of thousands of courses that are available on a wide range of topics such as software development, music as well as design?

2. Low cost

Udemy courses are below $200. Most of their higher-priced courses cost $10. Most of the courses available on this platform are free.  Udemy refunds you within 30 days if you enrol and finally change your mind about its course.

3. Low time commitment

Udemy focuses on important information as well as skill. They only consider complicated issues and avail the course in video lessons.  You can refer to our course later, especially after purchasing it.

Udemy Cons

1. Not recognized academically

Listing Udemy in your resume will not be impressive compared to accredited university degrees as well as diplomas. These courses are mainly for transferring practical knowledge, unlike academic credit.

2. Course quality can vary

The quality varies since anyone can upload a course on Udemy. Some courses entail instructors speaking from a webcam while others feature screen captures, slideshows as well as other presentation methods.  There is limited interaction between learners and instructors.

3. Less value for money

When it comes to Udemy vs. Udacity in terms of value or money, Udemy offers less value.  Keep in mind those courses on this platform only last for a few hours.  On the other hand, Udacity offers courses that may run or months.

Udacity Pros

1. Great quality courses

Following the fact that Udacity has partnerships with leading industry experts, their courses are exceptionally valuable.  This is a perfect opportunity for someone who has passion in some area and would like to learn without considering a certificate. The platform also offers free courses that are considered of good quality by many. Did you know that some of the content here is provided directly from Google?

2. Good course design

The courses are precise and do not have unnecessary information. Their content can be compared to a university as well as a similar institution as it is dynamic as well as high quality.

3. Cutting edge course material

Udacity updates its content regularly. The topics available range from artificial intelligence to self-driving vehicles as well as machine learning. This will surely increase its demand in the future.

4. One -on-one technical mentor

Udacity Nanodegree programs connect you with an individual mentor who guides you through the entire course. The mentors motivate you through answering your questions, keeping you on track as well as encourage you.

Udacity Cons

1. Can be expensive

Courses on this platform are more expensive than other online learning platforms. It may cost $3999 per nano degree.

2. Limited course subjects

Udacity mainly specializes in the technology-centred curriculum; hence it will be a disadvantage if you are interested in other fields of expertise.

3. Credentials are unproven

Keep in mind that the Udacity nano degree program is neither accredited nor nontraditional. Even though it is better to have Udacity Nanodegree on your resume than Udemy, it is unapproved.  We cannot know how employers will look at your Udacity credentials on your CV. they do not have an idea about this program leave alone trusting them.

Also read: Coursera vs. edX – Review, Comparison & Which is Better?


It is evident that Udemy is a perfect online course platform for individuals who are looking for shorter, as well as more casual courses.

Udemy targets transferring practical skills and not going through technical details as well as academic materials. There are thousands of courses available on Udemy on different learning topics. It is crucial to read and understand all the Udemy reviews before making a decision regarding it.

It is also clear that Udacity offers more detailed and elaborate learning opportunities on technology as well as computer science topics.  The platform has formed partnerships with industry-leading companies to offer unique nanodegree courses. Go through Udacity reviews before considering one for quality purposes.

Udacity is a perfect choice for someone who has a passion for technology topics.

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